CycleWerx Blog

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3 min read

How to Make Every Sales Call Valuable — The Added Value Approach of Inbound Marketing

I recently completed the 8 week Pipeline Generation Bootcamp Course hosted by HubSpot and instructed by Dan Tyre, co-author of Inbound Organization: How to Build and Strengthen Your Company’s Future Using Inbound Principles.

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4 min read

Thank you — What CycleWerx is Thankful for This Year

Today’s post is a bit different than the usual CycleWerx post on Marketing or Sales Enablement. Thanksgiving week has got me thinking about what I’m...

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3 min read

Social Selling — How Social Media Can Improve Your Sales

Still only using phone calls to make a sale for your B2B business? You probably aren’t seeing great results, but don’t worry, we have something that...

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3 min read

Growing Sales by Focusing on Sales Enablement

What’s the most valuable role within an organization? As someone who has spent many years as head of marketing, of course I'm biased to say it's...

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4 min read

How to Qualify a Lead with Lead Scoring and Why Should I Do It?

You never want to waste your time trying to get someone to buy your product if they’re not interested. That’s why leads, or people who have shown...

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5 min read

Drive Lead Generation with Content Offers

What is one the thing all businesses want more of? Leads! How cool would it be if potential prospects came and let us know they had some level of...

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4 min read

5 Benefits of Investing in a Marketing Automation Platform

I remember back when I was a kid and my grandfather taught me how to use a hand saw. I was so excited I got to use one of his tools. It did seem to...

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2 min read

Key Features to an Eye-Catching Website (Part 2)

Your great marketing from social media, emails, and other tools have brought your audience to your website, but just like how you craft your social...

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2 min read

Key Features to an Eye-Catching Website Design (Part 1)

You want your software or tech website to provide crucial information to gain new clients, but the first thing that your website visitors see is the...

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3 min read

Creating Buyer Personas – Maximize your Marketing Efforts

You know your business needs to reach those that are the most likely to buy your products or services. But, without defining your audience your...

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