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Marketing Tips for a Profitable Year

Marketing Tips for a Profitable Year


Start your year off right with a plan to succeed! We here at CycleWerx Marketing want this next year to be amazing for all our clients! We’ve compiled 10 tips to help you kickstart your marketing efforts for the new year.

Follow these tips to improve your lead generation and make the most of your marketing resources.

1. Consistent Branding

Branding builds credibility, authority, and trust which will in turn increase your number of loyal customers. From the first interaction with your company, a prospect is developing an impression about your company, products, services, and the people that work there.

2. Make It Easy for Your Audience

Can the visitor to your site quickly and easily find the information they seek within 10 seconds of landing and without scrolling? Ensure that your company phone number, contact info, key positioning statement, and key product/services info are all easy to find.

3. Use a CRM and a Marketing Automation Platform

A CRM (Customer Relationship Management) provides a centralized database across your entire sales organization that allows you to easily manage all communications and prospect interactions. It can organize and segment your customers, automate data entry, create sales reports and forecasts, and so much more.

A marketing automation platform can help to manage your lead generation and marketing campaigns. Easily manage marketing email campaigns, use forms to capture leads, instantly connect with site visitors with chat box solutions, list segmentation, integrate with your CRM, manage your blogs, create landing pages, and so very much more!

CycleWerx highly recommends HubSpot for both CRM & Marketing Automation. HubSpot has products that fit all sizes of businesses from startups to enterprise customers. CycleWerx is a HubSpot Certified Partner and can help you find the best HubSpot solution for your business.

4. Segment Your Audience

Improve your marketing efforts by segmenting your audience. Change your marketing copy to appeal to each segmentation for improved results. If a business had a solution that was targeted directly to your specific needs wouldn’t you be more inclined to purchase from them?

Think about how you can segment your audience. Take advantage of demographic and firmographic segmentations to better tailor your marketing message to those specific audience needs.

5. Step Up Your Email Marketing

Boost sales, build brand recognition, and build credibility by offering your targeted audience personalized content via email. This communication can increase site traffic and build your authority.

Tip: Break through the email noise — email frequently and consistently.

6. Use a Social Media Management Platform

Improve your social media outreach by taking advantage of a tool like HootSuite, SEMrush, or HubSpot's Marketing Hub. Schedule posts in advance, monitor multiple social channels from a single dashboard, and improve your analytics and reporting.

7. Focus on Your Audience

Your target audience should drive your content. Make sure that whatever content you put out specifically addresses your target audience and their needs and addresses their specific pain points.

Consider creating buyer personas to make sure your marketing efforts are focused correctly.

8. Create Replicable Processes

Improve your marketing efforts and maximize your marketing resources by finding ways to create repeatable and replicable processes. Use templates for your newsletters, use a branding guide, document all steps in creating a webinar program or landing page.

Don’t reinvent the wheel for each campaign — iterate and tweak on existing programs to improve.

9. Recycle Your Content

Are you struggling with constantly coming out with new content? Once you create a piece of content, you can totally replicate it in as many channels as you can. Turn that blog post into a video for social or create a more in depth, informative document that has its own landing page and form. Don’t necessarily restate the same things over and over again, but put a new twist to an older piece of content or topic. This will save you time and effort and give you more to share on your marketing platforms!

10. Measure Your Data

You need to be able to measure your marketing efforts to know what is working and what is not. Nearly everything in digital marketing can be measured so take advantage of marketing analytics and reporting to measure your success.

Use a marketing automation platform like HubSpot to track your efforts or code your marketing campaign URLs so they can be reported on via Google Analytics.

These 10 marketing tips can help you improve your marketing strategy — perfect for the new year that is already upon us! Need help implementing any of these? Contact CycleWerx today!

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