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Is Your Website Status Hurting Your Sales?

Is Your Website Status Hurting Your Sales?


When was the last time you audited your website? Did you know that regular, quarterly inspections to your website can help you avoid developing blind spots? Issues can creep up slowly, and you won’t even notice until the problem is severe. Regular site audits help you pinpoint problem areas before they develop into a crisis.

Key Areas to Focus Website Audit On

Outlined below are a few elements for you to consider focusing your site audit on:

  • Branding
  • Conversion
  • Content
  • Competition
  • Technology

Branding Audit

In a branding audit, you want to test your site to make sure that your visitors are receiving the proper perception of your company throughout their visit to your site. You want to confirm that you have a strong tagline and a description of your unique value. Create a style guide outlining your logo, your colors, and your branding elements, and apply them consistently throughout your website.

Conversion Audit

To perform a conversion audit, you want to analyze the traffic to your website. But traffic alone isn’t a valuable metric. You need to specifically measure the traffic that is generating conversions. This is called CRO (Conversion Rate Optimization). This enables you to organize your site so that your marketing is effectively targeting the segment of your audience most likely to make a purchase.

Content Audit

A content audit involves analyzing all the content on your website. You want to figure out which items are working well so you can optimize them. You also want to figure out which items are not working well so you can either tweak them or get rid of them. Which content items are producing the best results? Is your content useful and informative? Is it unique? Is the content optimized for SEO? What is the structure of your blog content?

 Your content should have:

  • Bullet points
  • Short paragraphs
  • Use of bold and italics to create tone
  • Use of images to break up the text
  • Correct spelling, grammar, and formatting

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