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Improve Audience Engagement via LinkedIn

Written by Scotty Smith | Jan 12, 2021 6:00:00 AM


For companies in the B2B space LinkedIn is most likely an integral part of your marketing efforts. And, of course it is. This is where your audience is: prospects, current customers, employees, and your industry's community. LinkedIn is a great social media marketing platform for growing and increasing your brand — both your personal and organizational brand. A key way to increase your brand’s visibility is by improving and increasing your audience engagement.

We’ve previously addressed the role Marketing Consistency plays in growing your brand’s engagement. Now let’s look at practical ways you can increase social media engagement at the content level, through individual posts.

Would you be impressed if you could increase your LinkedIn post engagement by 200%? What if I told you that you could consistently increase your post engagement by 500% or more by simply following the tips below?

Let’s break down the 3 major sections of each post to find ways to improve these areas, and to help them address your posting strategy or posting goals:

  1. Post Content
  2. Featured Image

Post Content

It all starts with the content. The key is to think about the strategy behind every post:

  • What is the goal of this post?
  • Who specifically is the target audience of this post?
  • How is this content relevant and helpful to your target audience?
  • What is your call to action (CTA)? What action do you want your audience to take?
  • How can you engage others to interact with this post so that it can get more views?

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